A Friendly Encourager of Literacy

TooeleBookSwapThe new jail in Tooele, Utah has a large and attractive entry where visitors (including children) wait for visits. The downside of the spot has been that there was nothing to do. Since Books Inside maintains the Tooele libraries, an idea came up in a discussion with Sgt. Gowans, Assistant Jail Commander, to put a bookshelf for visitors in the entry. The bookshelf has been a tremendous success. Children have many books to choose from (Spanish-language picture books are especially popular). Adults frequently select inspirational reading or books with tips on child raising.

Here is a photo of the shelf and the flyer that hangs above it. Visitors may read the books while they wait, take a book home, or leave a book of their own. What started as one shelf has now become two. We look forward to watching the evolution of the entryway "library". Our thanks to Sgt. Gowans, Lt. Harrison and the staff at the Tooele County Jail!
